Could Rolling Blackouts Happen Again In San Diego During The Heat Wave

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Could Rolling Blackouts Happen Again in San Diego During the Heat Wave?

The California Independent System Operator (CAISO) has warned that rolling blackouts are possible in San Diego County during the upcoming heat wave.

CAISO, which manages the state’s power grid, issued a Flex Alert for Tuesday, July 19, from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m., urging residents to conserve energy to avoid power outages.

The heat wave is expected to bring temperatures in San Diego County to the triple digits this week, increasing the demand for electricity as people use air conditioners and other cooling devices.

Factors that could Increase the Risk of Rolling Blackouts:

- High temperatures: The heat wave is expected to bring temperatures in San Diego County to the triple digits this week, increasing the demand for electricity as people use air conditioners and other cooling devices. - Reduced electricity imports: California typically imports electricity from other states during periods of high demand, but those imports may be limited due to the heat wave and other factors. - Outages at power plants: Power plants can experience unexpected outages, which can further reduce the supply of electricity.

Steps to Reduce the Risk of Rolling Blackouts:

- Conserve energy: Residents can help reduce the risk of rolling blackouts by conserving energy, especially during peak hours (4 p.m. to 9 p.m.). This can be done by turning off lights and appliances when not in use, using energy-efficient appliances, and setting air conditioners to a higher temperature. - Sign up for Flex Alerts: Residents can sign up for Flex Alerts from CAISO to receive notifications of potential power outages and tips on how to conserve energy. - Prepare for power outages: Residents should have a plan in place in case of a power outage, including a battery-powered radio, flashlights, and a first-aid kit.


Rolling blackouts are possible in San Diego County during the upcoming heat wave, but there are steps that residents can take to help reduce the risk. By conserving energy, signing up for Flex Alerts, and preparing for power outages, residents can help keep the lights on during this challenging time.