High Speed 2 Construction Of Viaducts Over The River Colne And Maple Cross

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High Speed 2: Construction of Viaducts Over the River Colne and Maple Cross


High Speed 2, also known as HS2, is a high-speed railway line currently under construction in the United Kingdom. The line will connect London with Birmingham, Manchester, and Leeds, and is expected to reduce journey times and increase capacity on the rail network. One of the most challenging aspects of the HS2 project is the construction of viaducts over the River Colne and Maple Cross.

The River Colne Viaduct

The River Colne viaduct is a 2.5-mile-long structure that will carry the HS2 line over the River Colne and the surrounding floodplain. The viaduct will be made up of over 1,400 pre-cast concrete segments, each weighing up to 150 tonnes. The segments will be lifted into place using a 900-tonne crane.

The construction of the River Colne viaduct is a complex and challenging task. The viaduct must be built to withstand the weight of high-speed trains, and it must also be able to withstand the forces of wind and water. The construction team is using a variety of innovative techniques to build the viaduct, including the use of a temporary cable-stayed bridge to support the construction of the main span.

The Maple Cross Viaduct

The Maple Cross viaduct is a 1.2-mile-long structure that will carry the HS2 line over the Maple Cross area. The viaduct will be made up of over 1,000 pre-cast concrete segments, each weighing up to 100 tonnes. The segments will be lifted into place using a 500-tonne crane.

The construction of the Maple Cross viaduct is also a complex and challenging task. The viaduct must be built to withstand the weight of high-speed trains, and it must also be able to withstand the forces of wind and water. The construction team is using a variety of innovative techniques to build the viaduct, including the use of a self-launching gantry to lift the concrete segments into place.

Environmental Impact

The construction of the HS2 line has a significant environmental impact. The line will pass through a number of sensitive habitats, and the construction work will inevitably cause some disruption to wildlife. However, the construction team is working to minimize the environmental impact of the project. The team is using a variety of measures to protect wildlife, including the creation of new habitats and the use of noise barriers to reduce the impact of construction noise.

The HS2 line is a major infrastructure project that will have a significant impact on the United Kingdom. The line will reduce journey times and increase capacity on the rail network, but it will also have a significant environmental impact. The construction team is working to minimize the environmental impact of the project, but it is important to be aware of the potential impacts of the line before construction begins.


The construction of the HS2 line is a major undertaking that will have a significant impact on the United Kingdom. The line will reduce journey times and increase capacity on the rail network, but it will also have a significant environmental impact. The construction team is working to minimize the environmental impact of the project, but it is important to be aware of the potential impacts of the line before construction begins.