House Republicans Pivot To Attacking Walz With Subpoena Over A Nonprofits Fraud

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House Republicans Pivot to Attacking Walz With Subpoena Over a Nonprofit’s Fraud

Republicans Are Subpoenaing Walz Administration Officials

The DFL alleges that the subpoenas are a political stunt, considering that the administration has already cooperated fully with the legislature's inquiries. The House GOP claims the administration has not been transparent, making the subpoenas necessary. To summarize, the Republicans on the House oversight committee have subpoenaed administration officials to investigate a now-defunct nonprofit's spending.

The subpoenas, which were issued on Friday, seek documents and testimony from several current and former state employees, including Department of Human Services Commissioner Jodi Harpstead, in connection with the spending of $240,000 in state funds by the nonprofit, Feeding Our Future. Feeding Our Future was founded by the wife of former DFL state Rep. Mike Ertelt. Ertelt and Feeding Our Future have been accused of misspending state funds.

The House GOP has accused the Walz administration of not being transparent about the spending, but the DFL has maintained that the administration has been cooperative. However, rather than continuing the investigation through existing means, they have opted to use the more aggressive tactic of issuing subpoenas. This move is widely seen as an escalation of the political battle between the two parties and an attempt to damage Walz politically.

Feeding Our Future and Its Controversies

Feeding Our Future was founded in 2019 and received a $240,000 grant from the state in 2020 to provide food to families in need during the pandemic. However, the organization has been accused of misspending the funds. A legislative audit released in December 2022 found that Feeding Our Future had spent $100,000 on meals for its board members and staff, and that Ertelt had used the organization's funds to pay for personal expenses. The audit called the spending "extravagant and wasteful."

Ertelt has denied any wrongdoing, but the allegations have led to calls for his resignation. He resigned from the House in January 2023, and Feeding Our Future closed its doors in February 2023. The state has since launched an investigation into the organization's spending.

The Political Battle Between the Two Parties

The subpoenas issued by the House GOP are part of a larger political battle between the two parties. Republicans have been critical of Walz's handling of the pandemic and other issues, while Democrats have accused Republicans of playing politics. The subpoenas are likely to further escalate the tensions between the two parties.

The DFL has accused the Republicans of using the subpoenas to score political points, while the Republicans have accused the DFL of not being transparent about the spending. The subpoenas are likely to lead to further investigations and could potentially lead to charges being filed. It is unclear what the outcome of the investigation will be, but it is likely to continue to be a source of political tension between the two parties.


The subpoenas issued by the House GOP are a significant escalation of the political battle between the two parties. It is unclear what the outcome of the investigation will be, but it is likely to continue to be a source of political tension.The subpoenas are part of a larger political battle between the two parties. Republicans have been critical of Walz's handling of the pandemic and other issues, while Democrats have accused Republicans of playing politics. The subpoenas are likely to further escalate the tensions between the two parties.

The DFL has accused the Republicans of using the subpoenas to score political points, while the Republicans have accused the DFL of not being transparent about the spending. The subpoenas are likely to lead to further investigations and could potentially lead to charges being filed.