Shasta County Jury Duty Payment Hike

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Shasta County Jury Duty Payment Hike

Juror Compensation Increase to $100 Per Day

In a landmark decision, Shasta County has announced a significant increase in juror compensation, raising the daily rate from $15 to $100. This substantial adjustment marks a major step towards recognizing the vital role jurors play in the administration of justice.

Reasons for the Increase

The decision to enhance juror compensation stems from several compelling factors. Firstly, the cost of living in Shasta County has risen considerably in recent years, making it increasingly challenging for individuals to fulfill their civic duty without incurring financial hardship.

Secondly, the county recognizes the importance of attracting and retaining qualified jurors. By offering a more competitive stipend, Shasta County hopes to ensure that a diverse and representative cross-section of the community participates in the jury selection process.

Benefits of the Increase

The increase in juror compensation is expected to yield numerous benefits for the county and its residents. By providing a more equitable stipend, Shasta County can:

Implementation Timeline

The new juror compensation rate of $100 per day will take effect immediately. Jurors who are currently serving or who are summoned for service after the implementation date will receive the increased stipend.

Shasta County Superior Court is responsible for administering jury duty and providing further guidance to potential jurors. For more information, please visit the court's website or contact the jury commissioner's office.

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