Tax Exemptions Tabled At August Plainfield Council Meeting Reappear On Mondays Agenda

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Tax Exemptions Tabled in August Plainfield Council Meeting Reappear on Agenda

Residents to Testify in Support of Tax Exemptions

Several residents are expected to speak in support of tax exemptions at the Plainfield Council meeting on Monday. The exemptions were originally tabled in August but have been placed back on the agenda for discussion.

What are the Tax Exemptions?

The proposed tax exemptions would provide relief to certain groups of taxpayers, including: * Veterans * Senior citizens * Disabled individuals * Families with low incomes

Why Were the Exemptions Tabled?

The exemptions were tabled in August due to concerns about the potential cost to the city. Some council members argued that the exemptions would lead to a decrease in revenue and could result in higher taxes for other residents.

What is the Status of the Exemptions Now?

The exemptions have been placed back on the agenda for discussion at the upcoming council meeting. The council will hear testimony from residents and city staff before making a decision on whether to approve the exemptions.

Public Hearing to be Held

A public hearing will be held at the council meeting to allow residents to voice their opinions on the tax exemptions. The hearing will be held at [time] on [date] in the [location].

How to Get Involved

Residents who wish to speak at the public hearing should contact the city clerk's office at [phone number]. Written comments can also be submitted to the city clerk's office at [email address].

Additional Information

For more information on the proposed tax exemptions, please visit the city's website at [website address].