Women Must Be Included In Green Hydrogen Geingos

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## Women must be included in Green Hydrogen – Geingos ### Namibia's President Hage Geingob has called for the inclusion of women in the green hydrogen sector, emphasizing their significant role in driving sustainable development. **Introduction** In his keynote address at the Green Hydrogen Conference 2023, President Geingob highlighted the crucial role women play in all sectors, including the emerging green hydrogen industry. He stressed that their expertise, perspectives, and leadership are essential for shaping a just and equitable transition to a sustainable future. ### Lack of Female Inclusion in STEM Despite the growing importance of STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) in driving the green hydrogen economy, women remain underrepresented in these areas. According to UNESCO, only 35% of STEM researchers worldwide are women. This gender gap not only limits the potential of the green hydrogen sector but also deprives it of diverse perspectives and innovative ideas that women bring to the table. ### Barriers Faced by Women in STEM Women face various barriers to entering and advancing in STEM fields, including: - Stereotypes and biases that discourage them from pursuing STEM careers - Lack of female role models and mentors in STEM - Limited access to education and training opportunities ### Benefits of Women's Inclusion President Geingob emphasized the numerous benefits of increasing women's participation in the green hydrogen sector, including: - Increased innovation and creativity: Women bring different perspectives and approaches to problem-solving, leading to more innovative solutions. - Improved decision-making: A diverse workforce with both male and female perspectives leads to better decision-making and more inclusive outcomes. - Social and economic development: Increased women's participation in the workforce contributes to social and economic development by reducing gender inequality and increasing household income. ### Call to Action President Geingob urged stakeholders in the green hydrogen sector to take concrete actions to promote gender equality and empower women. He called for: - Targeted training and mentorship programs for women in STEM - Scholarships and financial assistance to support women's education in STEM fields - Awareness campaigns to challenge gender stereotypes and encourage girls and women to pursue STEM careers - Establishment of networks and support systems for women in the green hydrogen sector ### Conclusion The inclusion of women in the green hydrogen sector is not only a matter of justice and equality but also a strategic imperative for a sustainable and prosperous future. By harnessing the full potential of both women and men, we can accelerate the development of green hydrogen technologies, mitigate climate change, and create a more equitable and inclusive society for all.